Monthly Archives: August 2015

Taking the Kamana Path

2015-04-05 14.33.00With finishing up Pathfinder and awaiting results from the course- I decided to continue on a learning path that would teach me more awareness of my surroundings, a deeper knowledge of edible and medicinal plants, animal tracking, and animal behaviors. I selected Kamana after both phone and email conversations with instructors as well as current and past students.

Anxiously awaiting the arrival of my materials, I opted in for the free email classes they offer. You can find the eCourse on the right hand side of the page.

Based on the conversation with instructors and students combined with feedback they provided to me of my experience I am bypassing (at least for now) Kamana 1. I don’t recommend this for everyone, but since I have had nature awareness training and taken tracking training through students of people like Tom Brown Jr. that I would be okay. In addition, I have had mentors over the past 30 years teach me about native and aboriginal approaches to outdoor studies. Over the next few months I am going to capture my learnings following the eCourse and Kamana 2 path her in the blog along with the usual updates, rants, trip reports, etc. Mainly what you will see are my journal entries. I wish I had done more of this in my other training classes.

I encourage you to join me if not in the Kamana training- at least the free eCourse. Would be fun to do this with somebody else!

Here’s to new learning!

Feedback Format When Teaching Kids Bush Craft and Survival

IMG_0199The 2015 Kids Camp is in the books. What a great year we had. 44 kids and their parents came out for a full day of survival and bush craft training- all for free. It is the highpoint of what has been both a difficult and productive year for us. Driving away from the site I was thankful for another successful year that could not have been done without supporters such as Cabela’s, Sportsmans’ Warehouse, Scooters Youth Hunting Camp, Abundant Life Baptist Church, Boise Army-Navy Store, At Home Medical Partners, and Power Engineers. It took committed parents to spend the day with their kiddos watching them learn how to survive in the woods if they get lost.

Several parents praised us on our “expertise” in survival and I found myself correcting this by stating we are learners who have worked towards mastering parts of the discipline. This is a label I quickly shun. I know of maybe a handful of people I would place that label on, and I’m not one of them. Something I think we do better than anybody though is teaching the skills we have mastered in a way that almost anybody can comprehend and begin to apply. If we are experts, its in teaching, and not just kids, anybody.

I want to focus this article specifically on providing feedback in the learning aspect and since we just had a weekend of kids learning and hopefuly parents coaching and providing guidance, I am going to go through the method we use. This is not the complete teaching model, its actually the second step of the coaching process after the learner (your kiddo) has made several attempts and is either successful or needs some additional work. If you use this method, don’t expect to be an expert with it (it took me 30 years of coaching and teaching).

Here is the model and I will provide a few examples at the end. It is a 7-step model and works when your kiddo is successful or not.








So lets take a look at how this breaks out…IMG_7018


What is it you want to coach them on. Give them some idea of why you are providing the feedback. “Hey let’s talk about the way you set up your shelter”. “Can I help you with some tips on starting the cotton ball on fire”


What you specifically notice.

“I noticed the guy-lines on the shelter seem to be a little loose.” You’re turning your wrist up when you are moving the striker down the ferro rod.”


Your kiddo needs to understand specifically what the impact is of doing something incorrect.

“When the guy-lines are loose, it will cause the shelter to flap and won’t keep you covered. It will also cause the ground stakes to beak away from the dirt.” When you turn your wrist up on the ferro rod, you don’t get as many sparks.”


Here you have to let them talk, vent, come up with ideas, etc. Let them speak. You just might find out what the barriers are for them.


With adults I will try to get suggestions from them. With kids and teens I will make the suggestions for them

“Let me show you how to tie a timber-hitch, that way you can tighten the rope on your shelter if it comes loose again.” “Keep your wrist pointed down and grind the ferro rod all the way to the tinder.”


This is where you gain street-cred, well in this case bush-cred. If they get it right, then praise them with what they did well. If the device is broken, in the wrong position, doesn’t fit the kiddo, etc you need to support them with repairs, replacement, practice, etc.

“Your right, the line keeps stretching out of shape, lets get some better para-cord. “ “Hey, there you go, you’re getting really good sparks now!”


In the simplest form it is getting done what needs to be done to be successful and making sure they can repeat the process when they really need to in an emergency.

“Hey those lines work really well. Let me see you tie that timber hitch again.” “Great job on getting that cottonball lit, let’s do it again to make sure we got it.

Hopefully this gives you a glimpse into the world of helping your kiddo master outdoor skills. A good friend reminded me late last week when we saw several parents trying to opt out of spending the day with their kids at our camp, “The want your presence not your presents.”

I will follow up with a podcast on this subject later this week and post a link on here and our FB page.
