Monthly Archives: June 2012

Basic Survival Kit (Aviation)

The last two nights I have taught a mini-seminar for my aero club. One of the request was for a survival kit list. After not finding one on my own website ( I was sure it was transferred … so I thought…) here is a basic kit. Most of this should be placed in the vest and the vest should be worn by the pilot. Auxiliary items such as fleece jacket/shirt and the 70 oz of water should be in a pack in the back of the plane.

The reason the vest is worn is in case the crew has to egress the aircraft and either cannot get to the survival bag or is too injured to do so. (Imagine trying to crawl over the back seat of a 172 and digging around for a bag with busted up ribs, etc)

Below id the basic list of we went through in class– and with all list like this– modify to your needs, experience, and terrain and weather you are flying in. Additionally if you have passengers, you will want to increase these items as needed.

  • Signaling
    • Whistle
    • Mirror
    • Strobe
    • Smoke
  • Shelter
    • Space Blanket (red or orange)
    • 25’ Para Cord
  • Fire Kit
    • Striker
    • Tinder
    • Cotton Balls/ Dryer Lint
    • Rubber Inner-tube (1×3)
    • Candles
  • First Aid Kit
  • Navigation
    • Map
    • Compass
    • GPS
  • Water
    • Minimum 70 oz
    • Ceramic Filter
    • Puri Tabs
  • Head Gear (fleece hat and/or boonie hat- should be hunter orange)
  • Solid fuel tabs
  • Small metal cup
  • Power Bars/ Energy Bars
  • Air Force Survival Knife
  • Multi-tool
  • 50’ Para Cord
  • Light-weight fleece shirt
  • Lights
    • Head Lamp
    • Small Flash Light


Aviation survival is often focused on the aircraft mishap- and we often forget that a survival situation can begin simply when we fly into the back country on a Sunday afternoon and when leaving a beautiful grass strip we had to ourselves for the day…becomes a little more permanent when the battery dies or the starter fails.

Questions About China and Korea (part 1)

Just returned from a great trip to Shenzhen and Seoul. As always, I get several questions on my trip to Korea and China- and specifically on subjects like crime, food, censorship, fear of the government, and language.  Since all of these can have some pretty in-depth answers I will answer them in several blogs. In the mean time since I still need to get out a blog or two on gear we have been testing, I will focus here on China.

Let me provide some of my background on the below subject area before I dive into it. I spent 13 years of my life traveling to both the brightest and darkest places on our planet. I have been in just as many 5-star hotels as well as hell-holes where life seemed to be one big eclipse. In that time I provided both personal and property protection to some of the most important resources for my country. I have degrees and certifications in law enforcement and resource protection, trained with some of the world’s top experts in counter-terrorism, and have a working knowledge in second and third languages. Those days behind me, I enjoy travel for different reasons…now back to the blog…

China is a wonderful place to work and visit. Beyond getting warned about drinking with young girls who have my body parts removed as I sleep, I guess the biggest question I get upon returning, is if I was afraid of getting mugged – specifically in China. I have to say, not once was have I ever been fearful of getting hurt or robbed. I have been in situations in Shanghai where a counterpart and I were getting targeted, but I took positive control of the situation. Like anything large city though, Shenzhen can have its share of petty crimes. So does any other city. What I have found is most of the time, you are in control of the situation. As I travel large cities, I find purse snatching or pick-pocketing to be the most invasive. This can be controlled by how you place your items. By the way, the story about a businessman having his kidney stolen and waking up in an ice bath is complete urban legend.

I carry a backpack with me everywhere. Really good pick-pockets can get into your zippered bag without any difficulty. Because I do strap my pack to me and buckle both the waist and sternum straps to prevent snatching, the back part of the bag is at risk of being tampered with. One method I use is to place a small carabiner to secure the zippers. This makes it difficult to un-zip. Additionally, I make sure that when in a crowd I give myself plenty of space, and when I find someone camping out directly behind me I will either move or turn to face them momentarily.  If I have an opportunity to place my back to the wall I will do so. This gives me protection from any wrong doing that I can’t easily detect.

Another threat is when you are standing at a red light – waiting for the light to change. I will back away from the street so that everyone else is in front of me. This takes away the opportunity to tamper with my bag and gives me a few feet of comfort area.

Getting scammed is probably a greater threat. I was fortunate that when coming into Hong Kong to have a driver pick me up. Shenzhen is a growing city and even though there is access to any place you want to go by bus, rail, or taxi, you need to be careful about the taxis. The authorized taxis in Shenzhen are red and grey/white. They will have a meter in them. Getting into any other cab can result in getting scammed and a 20RMB ride can cost a few hundred RMB. BTW- there is a small surcharge for fuel that won’t show up on the meter and you will need to get two receipts when you exit the cab.  As another side note, depending on your sense of adventure, the cab rides can be interesting. You may feel unsafe- but in reality you are ok. These guys are better drivers than most of us. Also- the horn is a device for communication and not aggravation. You will get honked at- don’t get offended.

Another way to get in trouble is if you are asked to go somewhere with someone. If they want you to see their shop, go to their apartment, go see a watch collection, etc….don’t follow them. I am amazed at people who allow them selves to get involved in a scam so quickly.

Finally, if you want to find trouble, you will. Again- amazed at people who insist on getting involved with drugs or prostitutes- and then wonder why they got robbed. Stay away from trouble (people/situations) and more than likely you will be safe. Both prostitution and drugs are illegal in China. Not only do you risk your own personal safety, but you also risk arrest. It’s simple…enjoy China and don’t be stupid.

I enjoyed my time in both Seoul and Shenzhen. The people are fantastic and curious about westerners. I walked in many streets, back-alleys, parks, and shopping areas and not once did I feel I was in danger. I will cover more about food, weather, getting around, and other subjects in my blog, podcast, and v-log. Both Korea and China are great places to visit and work and I enjoy each opportunity I get.

Hong Fa Temple and Stone Trees (video blog)

Okay— wordpress is not playing nice today— first my write-up of Geocaching in China disappears, and then just as I finished a Top-10 list for an overlanding trip- it slips into thin air as well….


Here is hoping you can see the video– if not please follow the link. This is my trip to Hong Fa Temple and the Stone Garden… publishing before it goes poof!


Mission Accomplished!

Mission Accomplished!

My last night in Korea. So wish I was on a red-eye to Tokyo. Ready to be in the arms of my bride and feel the hugs of my baby-daughter. Pretty sure Trigger and Ranger are ready for some much needed Daddy time as well. As a bonus, my Mom and Dad are there and I will get a chance to see my Dad for Fathers’ Day.

The class did a terrific job on their Geo-Mission. They really thought outside the box and leveraged technology, high speed transport, and of course lots of communication. When one of the team members was not feeling so well, they left him in charge of a command post, where they could check in with him, provide updates, and get better intel on each cache site. He would even send pictures of each hide site to them. In one case, this was the only way they found the hide. We also boarded a bus to get across town to a site. Pretty innovative.

I was proud of the way they used their problem solving skills. It was great to work with the teams in Korea and the people are wonderful. I also enjoyed working with their leaders who really want to see their people be successful.

After class I had one more mission to complete. I brought several travel bugs with me. All the cache site I had been to were micros. I needed a place to to put a couple that I had been carrying for awhile. I also wanted to see something historic. I was able to complete both when I dropped them off in the park built around the tombs of Seolleung and Jeongneung, from the 9th Monarch. He was a great king during the 1400s.

With both job and adventuring behind me, it is off to the airport in the morning and a long flight home. Ready to close the chapter on this adventure.








Spicy of Life

Hanging in my favorite little coffee place tonight. Great class today, awesome dinner with new friends, a two-mile walk, and now….third cup of the joe. Its late but isn’t that what Ambien is for?

Dinner was really spicy. Korean pizza…. Kemche pizza to be exact. There was other great foods served, spicy of course.

Enjoying the company of my host. I find I am much more outgoing here than I am in the states. I am the social butterfly. Where is that introvert…not really sure.
Perhaps still in baggage claim in Hong Kong.

Two more days in country and I am afraid of that shy-guy returning. That guy who wasn’t so popular in school. That guy who doesn’t speak up in meetings at work. That guy who doesn’t jump up and dance with the TeleTubby in front of the License Bureau. Yes, I danced. Please pick your jaw up from the floor.

I am living with purpose right now. I have a mission. I have a great support team here. I have people who believe in me. I have no fear. I am bullet proof. I hate spicy octopus and asked for more!

My life here is much more spicy. I hit the streets after dinner. Threw the ear buds in, walked briskly, saw parts of Korea that were out of the way. Walking like I knew where I was going. Having no plan, turning on a dime, going down alleyways lit by faux-neon.

Twenty years ago I couldn’t wait to be on a plane and back home. I know tomorrow afternoon I will feel the same way. When the gig is over I am ready to be home to my bride and kiddo. This time is different than when I was an observer/advisor at Kunsan. Though I miss my family, I hope I am returning with a bit of spice in my step.

Yes life here is spicy. I love it!








Mission Specific GeoAdventuring

Today we took our Communication Skills workshop outside. Their objective was to recover secret documents held at various cache sites in Seoul. They were responsible for all mission prep, communication, strategy, and execution.

Prior to the team meeting we met with the leadership team to ensure they understood the mission for the day, provide them some insight to each target, advise them on our expectations, and a few clues on potential pitfalls. What I love about the team here is their openness to teaching.

The team assembled for a final meeting to discuss the plan. Each member was able to provide input. I enjoyed the fact that much of the strategy for execution was given by the team, with final approval coming from the leaders.

The team hit their first cache area within a few minutes after departure. The original plan was to find the first cache together and then split into teams of two. This was so they could find all the objectives. They are Asian, they wanted to complete all 25 targets in the three hour time frame. When I did this exercise in Europe a few years ago they hit the second one and went for a latte.

In the area they quickly found that even though their smart phones got them on the objective, it was not specific enough to get them on the cache. I then handed them my Garmin so they could get closer.

It was a great feeling finding the first one. Though one of the rules was for them to use stealth, you can’t blame 10 new cachers to be so secretive on their first find.

The energy level and excitement increased as the team continued to find several targets. After 4-5 finds and one unsuccessful find, I had the team break for lunch on the road. Interesting note….team was great at finding secret cache site with stolen company documents…team struggled finding a place to eat. Its Korea, you can’t swing a stick without hitting someplace to eat. Then again, its Korea, food is a big deal. We eventually found a great little place where we were treated to spicy octopus and rice. Very spicy. Very good.

We returned from the mission, did a debrief, and when class had hit a point of exhaustion, we broke a bit early.

It was great to be back in a role I am very familiar with. I got excited as we got deep into the mission planning phase. I found myself falling back into those good habits you learn while on a combat or recon patrol. If you have been in this role you know what passage of friendly lines is. Imagine now you are doing your head count as your troops cross the wire….out of the elevator…..







Korea….Day 3

Korea day 3…..

Communication Skills Workshop was great. I felt very odd in the beginning though. It was explained that I give a brief history and bio about myself. I hate doing this for two reasons. First, i feel like this is boasting or bragging. I do a terrible job at selling myself. Om the surface if you don’t know me it sounds like I’m pounding my chest. Second, my life either sounds like a life time of A.D.D. or the biggest hoax. Again, those that know me understand I love a variety of things, I get bored quite easily, and have to feed the adventure furnace. I really hate these kind of introductions…

My contact from Singapore is fabulous. He has given me insight to the team here and I’m looking forward to working with him. He is hard charging, and my hope is I can keep up with him.

Tonight after work we were hosted to a wonderful meal. The best part, it was not an upscale restaurant. It was a nice place to congregate, eat, and chat. The people I have met in Korea are amazing. I enjoy their shyness, their willingness to laugh, and their acceptance of me.

Still struggling with even the most basic of words in Korean. Not sure why I am struggling. My hope was the week in China would have opened my mind to learning, but instead I feel the doors are still barred shut in my head. The two languages are quite different.

Tonight’s meal consisted of grilling meat at your table, once cooked, wrapping it in lettuce or sesame leafs, then putting the entire thing in your mouth. There were additional condiments such as onion shoots, kemche, and spicy bean sauce. Delightful. I love all kinds of foods and willing to try anything, and no disrespect to China…..but this is by far my favorite Asian dish.

At first I was worried that the area I’m staying in is “too westernized”. I think this is a ludicrous and pompous thought. As I watch and learn from the people here, they have adopted and influenced many things we call American. Korea is a highly modern country, and in so many ways has an edge on us in the states.

Yesterday morning I was having trouble with my iPad. I was in a coffee shop trying to download email to tart the day. In Boise the coffee artist either would not have bothered to help, or would fumble around and never solve the issue. Instead, the girl who spoke very little english took my iPad in hand, whipped through a few screens, reset their own WiFi, reset my iPad and had me downloading email in about two minutes.

Everywhere I look, there are earbuds plugged into smartphones and people of all ages are texting, watching movies, checking out some kind of app. There is a constant technology buzz going on. BTW….bonus on coffee shops….they are open until midnight every-night except Friday and Saturday….when they are open until 2am.

So ends the day in another coffee shop. After dinner I took a walk to explore a bit. Need to head back to the apartment, get ready for a new day, and catch a bit of rest. Tomorrow we teach the team how to Geocache.20120612-225840.jpg





Into Korea

Was so happy to make it into Hong Kong. Once I had my ticket and the gate assignment I did what anyone would do with a couple hundred Yuen to exchange to dollars…. I spent it! Forgetting there is a conversion to HK dollars I probably didn’t do so well. But I found a few items I “just couldn’t live without”.

Shopping has been a challenge this time. Not sure why its so different from other travels. I think partly because I am just not in the mood. Also I have tried to be kind to my various host, who I am sure have to take every round-eye from the states to the local discount mall. Imagine if every time you had time with a college visiting, you were pressed into service to take them shopping. I have preferred to spend time over dinner with them instead. Sorry Abby and Melissa… Daddy is bringing home only a few trinkets…most from the airport….hope you like small bags of snacks and up-opened packets of refreshing towletts….

Immigrating into Korea had one interesting moment. As I was passing my yellow sheet….the immigration form over to the petite, young…and very attractive officer…. I realized I had not placed my “permanent Korean address on the line that required it. I honestly did not know the name of the hotel much less the address. So I quickly scribbled the name of my company. Not only was she cute, polite, and….wow a uniform is really sexy….but she was smart and quickly caught on that a technology company was in no way a proper address. I began explaining that the company and then had the bright idea I would talk as fast as I could with lots of hand gestures and smile. I spoke fast…. Auctioneer at a fire sale fast.

The tactic worked and as she handed back my passport with the entry stamp I gave her my best “I love you and would like to take care of you for the rest of your life” smile, gave a wink, and walked as fast as I could to the driver. As a typical male, I soon forgot her once I met my driver and slid into the car for the ride to Seoul. Not that she was forgettable, but because once in the car I was given a bottle of water, a plug for my iPad, and a in-car WiFi connection. Girls are great….technology is better.

Speaking of charging, I was more concerned about my own personal energy. I was worried about hitting the office on dead batteries and not being amped up for the workshop. Coming out of a Presentation Skills workshop I am pretty beat up. Coming out of two back-to-back…. I feel like I went a few rounds in MMA…. Two classes where english is the second language….. Well….. You get the idea. Lets also not forget that I am an introvert, and this outgoing thing for my professional life is great….but admit I am pretty worn out after being a social butterfly. I love people, but I am more of the strong silent type…..

Checking into my hotel helped immediately. So many things worked out so well. I had a great room….err…..bachelors pad. Stereo, big screen, washer/dryer, kitchen, etc. the bathroom is bigger than the room in Shenzhen! It gets better…..down stairs is a huge mall….with a food court. The food court has an Outback Steak House. Outback has baseball, forks, steak, and takes AMEX! Life is so good!

Time to sign off….but the batteries are recharged, I’m eating well, and ready to start working!
